This paper explores how far policy-makers understand the structure of the develop-ment industry, the perceived characteristics of developers and the extent to which such actors can be considered policy-responsive. If these matters are poorly under-stood, the effectiveness of planning policy may be undermined, especially where the private sector is responsible for undertaking most development. The paper is based upon empirical research on the Scottish Executive’s perceptions of, and policy stances towards developers between 1999 and 2007. It finds that the Executive appeared to have only limited understanding of what drives the development process or motivates individual developers and seemed unfamiliar with important differ-ences within the...
The form and scale of our urban landscape is the net result of an evolutionary process in which ther...
National planning policy in Scotland has increasingly embraced the value of creating ‘well-designed ...
While there is a substantial literature available regarding the individual specialist constituents o...
This paper explores how far policy-makers understand the structure of the develop-ment industry, the...
This paper explores how far policy-makers understand the structure of the development industry, the ...
Deliberations over property development are so often typified by caricatures of the process, its act...
The main arguments of this thesis are as follows. Residential expansion is a major feature of London...
AbstractThis paper explores the transformations of the housebuilding industry under the policy requi...
The PhD is driven by a need to analyse what Scottish planning has come to represent in practice. It ...
There is a popular view that land use planning regulations (‘planning’) is hostile to both developme...
While urban design occupies an increasingly prominent position within Scottish national planning pol...
This article develops ‘street-level bureaucracy’ theory to conceptualise how policy implementation w...
This paper discusses how development planning in Scotland is being reformed and modernised. It exami...
This thesis examines the attempts of the local planning authority in Edinburgh to control and guide...
This longitudinal case study of residential development pressure in a village in Glasgow's urban fri...
The form and scale of our urban landscape is the net result of an evolutionary process in which ther...
National planning policy in Scotland has increasingly embraced the value of creating ‘well-designed ...
While there is a substantial literature available regarding the individual specialist constituents o...
This paper explores how far policy-makers understand the structure of the develop-ment industry, the...
This paper explores how far policy-makers understand the structure of the development industry, the ...
Deliberations over property development are so often typified by caricatures of the process, its act...
The main arguments of this thesis are as follows. Residential expansion is a major feature of London...
AbstractThis paper explores the transformations of the housebuilding industry under the policy requi...
The PhD is driven by a need to analyse what Scottish planning has come to represent in practice. It ...
There is a popular view that land use planning regulations (‘planning’) is hostile to both developme...
While urban design occupies an increasingly prominent position within Scottish national planning pol...
This article develops ‘street-level bureaucracy’ theory to conceptualise how policy implementation w...
This paper discusses how development planning in Scotland is being reformed and modernised. It exami...
This thesis examines the attempts of the local planning authority in Edinburgh to control and guide...
This longitudinal case study of residential development pressure in a village in Glasgow's urban fri...
The form and scale of our urban landscape is the net result of an evolutionary process in which ther...
National planning policy in Scotland has increasingly embraced the value of creating ‘well-designed ...
While there is a substantial literature available regarding the individual specialist constituents o...